COLDWELL BANKER COLDWELL BANKER D RESDENTIAL BROKERAG Woodside 13/2.51s2.270,000 Global Luury 100or LaHond Poad ww R meon Unqy bactng s o rd p00t a CagDro aws o Jan Cray&Barbra Lavey 600.726.1100 CaRE 00478786 101361161 Montara 541S1.008.000 |428 Faralone Avonue Oosn Wews- Ls Functional and foi gpay rouse hawcod foon throuhout 4 sp-qulty boom | Moss Beach 12/2 1$2.608.000 Giobal Luury 198 Arbor Lane Open at&Sun 1-4 Oosntot one story home with aturnng viw ned cousey 2 wood buing tpce pco Mater Sute wthaanc bLoo tthe rd of acu-de-s at 30 mn to The Fain Toam 650.r261100 CaRE 70000417 Montara | 4/3.5183,500.000 Giobal Luxury 10 Atar Way Cotenporany luy wcawe co&mourn vews an2 25a Cpen Soor pan 2 cng in conen tng oomoaeooswdwsgume h2 utmtchng y o wrg Jan Oray & Barbara Lavey 65072e 1100 CaRE F0047860138116 Jan ay&Baora Lay 6607261100 CaE 00478788 1013e116 Hait Moon Bay 2/1&e $1200000 0Cna Auue A a Find Teo Unes Set to-Seer bok to beach Hoo foon vhent yds Montara 431$190,000 Global Luury 312 7th S umngband Nwopoomwh Pacc Do ane M Mran es HCg Foming Ches acwa chen-A appln Scoate off andHgn ach ty comwd to5 Ther sound Granada 3/1soo000 New Lissing 301 Sn Caros Avenue Nte hCo To neone PP n s eto iom oung ntad tht to h e ce s CoCae ta o te Jan Gray&Barbars Ley 650 726.100 CaRE F0D47878003616 Moss Beach 4/25 $10000 21 Cma Ane Eeren con tr se tch oseson e F Mae Rerve&a On foor plan ll o dows &gorgeou chen Pos to the oo p dck tor ang hr& ont vewn Hod and foos rogho Dara Park&David Cine 650720 1100 CaE HOT7960 j0090 Marca Kimbal 650726.1100 CafRE F00060 Jan Gray & Barbars Lvey 650.726 1100 CalRE 0480101361101 Halt Moon Bay |11 s540000 4100 Cabril Hw03 Boa e Con Condo AC Conplnt ytet ang ndtaed Vew o a bechand a bya say and nme hanyoavay Halt Moon Bay 13215000 3Ocsnvew Avarue Lo Ca Coe 54omy o nd ownoon on chen&hng oomFe caded chn o Ner b go gnb beach Souh Hon B Hall Moon Bay 2/2 1s375.000 37 Ocanvew Averue Oosan ews Shows Le N Co to beachs and Wo CGot Coue domnty N Pescadero 2/1 18a.c00 856 Dearbom Pak Road A bo coA an houseth one ace and two bedom pl toco and a ataced gae Tyaunuepopoty eonem mh e e sae taly ine 10 Come o our on m nak Hen Avagon 650 726.100 CaRE 0103009 Mole Whiep 650726 1100 CaRE HO195212 Heen Aragoni 680726.1100 CaRE 01036001 Grnt wrs 660728 100 CaREO1083248 LOTS &LAND Our pet supplies drive to support the Homes For Dogs Project is happening through October 4 HOME 000 Hogs Caryon RL Har Moon Bay s9000 OB Dodo Ave BOna $400000 1561 Pescadero Ceek Road Pescado S425000 c00 Hag Caryon R Hat Moon Bay sirs000 Please bring donations of dog and cat food, beds, treats, toys fea & tick medications, collas, etc. to our offe Monday to Friday, or contact us at 650.726.1100 to arrange a pickup All tems wit be donated to SPCA 0o wr Lane Pescad 349000 Moss Beach 2218108500 Cua Lane PRe home Large vingoomhenparty t bdgobtin uunoy co oge -nshowe in mtr bth A-aeo communty poct nr ocen space habo bechen & between 8:30-5 wet noses, warm hearts! c00 Pescacro Crook Rd Pescadoro $100000 000 Sine Vy Rd Moss Beach $179000 oueno Camino la Honda s45.000 ww Coldwell Banker-Half Moon Bay Helon Avagon 650 r26.1100 CaRE O 248 Main St, Ste. 200 (2nd floor) COLDWELLBANKERHOMES.COM Hall Moon Bay 650.726. 1100 1248 Man St Sute 200 cb california cbcalitornia coldwellbanker cbcalifornia Cokd er HOME PROTECTION PLAN a a he u Tuc teo yC t Mae Sevi et o e mt t ntoe G COLDWELL BANKER COLDWELL BANKER D RESDENTIAL BROKERAG Woodside 13/2.51s2.270,000 Global Luury 100or LaHond Poad ww R meon Unqy bactng s o rd p00t a CagDro aws o Jan Cray&Barbra Lavey 600.726.1100 CaRE 00478786 101361161 Montara 541S1.008.000 |428 Faralone Avonue Oosn Wews- Ls Functional and foi gpay rouse hawcod foon throuhout 4 sp-qulty boom | Moss Beach 12/2 1$2.608.000 Giobal Luury 198 Arbor Lane Open at&Sun 1-4 Oosntot one story home with aturnng viw ned cousey 2 wood buing tpce pco Mater Sute wthaanc bLoo tthe rd of acu-de-s at 30 mn to The Fain Toam 650.r261100 CaRE 70000417 Montara | 4/3.5183,500.000 Giobal Luxury 10 Atar Way Cotenporany luy wcawe co&mourn vews an2 25a Cpen Soor pan 2 cng in conen tng oomoaeooswdwsgume h2 utmtchng y o wrg Jan Oray & Barbara Lavey 65072e 1100 CaRE F0047860138116 Jan ay&Baora Lay 6607261100 CaE 00478788 1013e116 Hait Moon Bay 2/1&e $1200000 0Cna Auue A a Find Teo Unes Set to-Seer bok to beach Hoo foon vhent yds Montara 431$190,000 Global Luury 312 7th S umngband Nwopoomwh Pacc Do ane M Mran es HCg Foming Ches acwa chen-A appln Scoate off andHgn ach ty comwd to5 Ther sound Granada 3/1soo000 New Lissing 301 Sn Caros Avenue Nte hCo To neone PP n s eto iom oung ntad tht to h e ce s CoCae ta o te Jan Gray&Barbars Ley 650 726.100 CaRE F0D47878003616 Moss Beach 4/25 $10000 21 Cma Ane Eeren con tr se tch oseson e F Mae Rerve&a On foor plan ll o dows &gorgeou chen Pos to the oo p dck tor ang hr& ont vewn Hod and foos rogho Dara Park&David Cine 650720 1100 CaE HOT7960 j0090 Marca Kimbal 650726.1100 CafRE F00060 Jan Gray & Barbars Lvey 650.726 1100 CalRE 0480101361101 Halt Moon Bay |11 s540000 4100 Cabril Hw03 Boa e Con Condo AC Conplnt ytet ang ndtaed Vew o a bechand a bya say and nme hanyoavay Halt Moon Bay 13215000 3Ocsnvew Avarue Lo Ca Coe 54omy o nd ownoon on chen&hng oomFe caded chn o Ner b go gnb beach Souh Hon B Hall Moon Bay 2/2 1s375.000 37 Ocanvew Averue Oosan ews Shows Le N Co to beachs and Wo CGot Coue domnty N Pescadero 2/1 18a.c00 856 Dearbom Pak Road A bo coA an houseth one ace and two bedom pl toco and a ataced gae Tyaunuepopoty eonem mh e e sae taly ine 10 Come o our on m nak Hen Avagon 650 726.100 CaRE 0103009 Mole Whiep 650726 1100 CaRE HO195212 Heen Aragoni 680726.1100 CaRE 01036001 Grnt wrs 660728 100 CaREO1083248 LOTS &LAND Our pet supplies drive to support the Homes For Dogs Project is happening through October 4 HOME 000 Hogs Caryon RL Har Moon Bay s9000 OB Dodo Ave BOna $400000 1561 Pescadero Ceek Road Pescado S425000 c00 Hag Caryon R Hat Moon Bay sirs000 Please bring donations of dog and cat food, beds, treats, toys fea & tick medications, collas, etc. to our offe Monday to Friday, or contact us at 650.726.1100 to arrange a pickup All tems wit be donated to SPCA 0o wr Lane Pescad 349000 Moss Beach 2218108500 Cua Lane PRe home Large vingoomhenparty t bdgobtin uunoy co oge -nshowe in mtr bth A-aeo communty poct nr ocen space habo bechen & between 8:30-5 wet noses, warm hearts! c00 Pescacro Crook Rd Pescadoro $100000 000 Sine Vy Rd Moss Beach $179000 oueno Camino la Honda s45.000 ww Coldwell Banker-Half Moon Bay Helon Avagon 650 r26.1100 CaRE O 248 Main St, Ste. 200 (2nd floor) COLDWELLBANKERHOMES.COM Hall Moon Bay 650.726. 1100 1248 Man St Sute 200 cb california cbcalitornia coldwellbanker cbcalifornia Cokd er HOME PROTECTION PLAN a a he u Tuc teo yC t Mae Sevi et o e mt t ntoe G